A Morning Routine, The Backbone to Your Sanity and Productivity


The first thing I did when I found out we were going into quarantine was create a new morning routine.

I knew that in a time without structure, I knew needed a backbone, something to hold me upright, something to prevent me from watching Netflix all day and wasting this opportunity to create radical inner transformation. 

Don’t get me wrong, Netflix binges have their place. Jack and I spent half of the day watching Dexter the other day for 6 hours and I loved every second of it. 

But I’ve quickly realized that without a morning routine, I flail like a fish out of water.

I depend on it when my day needs to be oriented around work and creating a balance, and, it’s not an end all. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. It’s important to create a schedule that doesn’t make you feel guilty if you don’t do everything on the list. Start with small changes and build up to bigger ones. Some people need a lot of structure, some don’t. Play with it!

This is a structure that is working for me right now, and, it changes all the time. Since my routine is pretty detailed, I have alarms for the morning and for the night that tell me everything I need to do. I leave the days open for flexibility. I have highlighted the things I refuse to give up in bold.


5:00 AM - First Alarm

5:10 AM - Meditate

5:30 AM - Drink water, take vitamins, make latte

5:45 AM - Journal

Here are some of the questions I write in my journal in the morning. In addition to this, I also write down 2-3 pages and do a brain dump to clear any emotions, circumstances, or anxiety that’s present.

  1. What are 3 things I want to feel today?

  2. What are 3 things I learned from yesterday?

  3. What are 3 things I want to get done today?

  4. What are 3 things I love about myself?

  5. What are 3 things that make my heart happy?

6-6:30 AM - Do yoga

7:20 AM - Do 25-minute pilates with Tasha Franken (or workout later with weights)

7:55 AM - Write

8:30 AM - Get ready

8:50 AM - Work

10:30 AM - Eat breakfast

10:50 AM - Go for a walk

11:10 AM - Work


Building this routine to “perfection” took getting curious about how I wanted to structure my life and what I wanted to ingest (spiritually, mentally, and physically) throughout my day.

What would your morning/day look like if I could be anything?

Quarantine Regards,
