Strengthen Your Leadership, Amplify Your Impact.


1v1 mentorship

Become the source of your healing, mastery, and world-altering leadership.



You are not on this planet to settle for a mediocre existence. You are here to heal yourself, humanity, and make a lot of money doing it… and you also know your self-sabotage cycles, sensitivity, and ‘busyness’ often get in the way of accessing a higher level of service, inner-liberation, and financial freedom.

The pain of inaction and the pain of getting the support to actualize your vision are EQUALLY AS PAINFUL.

The difference is: the pain of inaction lasts much longer. The pain of pursuit is momentary, as long as you are hungry enough to see what lies behind the veil.

So as your mentor and friend, I am not only here to illuminate what lies behind the veil, but with practice and patience, show you how to access what lies behind it on your own.

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“Tay isn't going to “fix you”, nor does she promise that. But what will happen, is through an impressive array of tools, resources, and support, she brings her experience to bear; and with consistent effort, she helps you see your capacity to heal. Once my perceptions and patterns began shifting, the heaviness of the past started lifting. Doors began opening I didn't even realize I closed. And for the first time, I feel I'm living in a way that not only serves me, but the people I love as well.



Sales Associate

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the truth is…

Not doing this work has expensive, emotional, physical, and relational costs.

  • Suppressing your emotions.

  • Leading, loving, and living from an empty tank.

  • Neglecting your truest purpose and settling for what’s comfortable.

  • Struggling to get access to the depth, intimacy, and aliveness you know is possible in your life and relationships.

  • Letting generational patterns run your business, communication, and way of being.

  • Being the dumping ground for everyone’s problems.

  • Resisting the healing you know will liberate you.

You are a high-level human, which also means you have high-level blindspots.

(*Consider this a compliment*)

What would it feel like to illuminate them so they stopped holding you hostage?


Here’s what this could look like…

INSTEAD OF ➞ being run by unconscious conditioning and patterns
YOU consciously respond like it’s your job and are proud of your behaviors.

INSTEAD OF ➞ constantly searching for the next thing to heal or fix you
YOU ➞ have developed the capacity and skill to heal yourself.

INSTEAD OF questioning the abundance you can receive and the value you can bring
YOU ➞ are taking bold action towards service and landing 5-figure deals regularly.

INSTEAD OF ➞ falling into victim consciousness
YOU ➞ trust that all of your experiences are initiations into greater levels of service, power, and wisdom.

INSTEAD OF fearing your big ideas lack the necessary resources
YOU ➞ are an embodiment of the most resourceful version of yourself, creating opportunities you couldn’t see before.

INSTEAD OF ➞ subconsciously reacting based on past experiences
YOU ➞ always feel deeply checked in with your truest self before engaging in a situation.

INSTEAD OF chewing on something for two weeks and marinating in a painful state of inaction
YOU ➞ chewed on something for two minutes and integrated with mastery because you had high-level support + mentorship.

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“A healer can heal you, but a master can show you how to heal yourself.”

One thing you should know about me is I do not subconsciously teach my clients to be dependent on their work with me (this is a huge problem in the therapy world). My clients continue their work with me because they WANT to, not because they feel like they NEED to. They value the momentum and acceleration they get access to, and know that having a cornerman to spot their blindspots is worth every penny.

My coaching is like therapy on steroids with a focus on somatic work (more info below). Your body is the intelligent force that will be guiding the release of unprocessed emotions and experiences so your mind can follow. This is where a concept turns into a way of being. And this is why my clients are not talking about the same stuff for months, years, or even weeks on end. One session will be the equivalent of 10 in our time together.


There was an initial hesitation, and now I can say I have no regrets it was the most substantial self-discovery period of my entire life. Thank me later.”


Dan Turkos

Professional Musician


I’ve never felt so powerful.

Tay has a unique ability of guiding you through lasting transformation in a way that I’ve never experienced before.

This is life-changing. Period.


Amanda Holstein

Interior Designer


Working with Tay continues to be one of the most transformative experiences of my entire life. I have never felt so safe expressing all parts of myself with anyone until working with Tay. The depth of her care, understanding, and listening was life-changing in itself…”


David Weinstein

Crypto Expert

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“Working with Tay helped me reassess and shift so many of the core beliefs I didn't even know I had, that kept me stuck in an unfulfilled state. As a result, I have transformed my relationships with my family and I'm having my most successful work quarter yet. I have broken the barriers of what I thought was possible and created lasting change and true leadership.”


Eline Duarte

Marketing and Sales Specialist

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So you can

access this…

These are my client’s lived experiences

Expanded capacity for self, others, purpose, and clients.

From struggling to make consistent income as an entrepreneur to tripling their income in a matter of months.

Navigating the complexity of relationship dynamics with ease and clarity.

Rewiring core beliefs that have been sabotaging them for their entire life.

Getting access to levels of intimacy, connection, and depth they never thought were possible.

Landing the dream job and getting multiple pay raises.

Shedding victim consciousness and intentionally creating identity.

Healing generational conditioning and forming life-altering relationships with parents.

Putting a halt to alcohol, weed, and phone addiction.

From not taking action in business out of fear to landing the biggest deal of their life.

Safely leaving an abusive relationship.

Moving through hardship with a radical sense of trust, clarity, and surrender.

Healing codependency.

Powerfully communicating boundaries after a lifetime of people pleasing.

Buying their first home.


“LA and Tay have given me the community and transformation I’ve been craving 10-fold. During the 3 months of LA I was able to get promoted to a new role and team, get a raise, have my first and second speaking opportunities and create boundaries with my family that I had never been able to do prior, and so much more. To those considering: DO IT – You won't regret investing the time, the energy, and the money.” 



Marketing Specialist

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In a 2-hour Somatic-Based Session, we will identify your blocks so you can receive the clarity and breakthroughs you’ve been searching for — breakthrough guaranteed.

(more info below)

Fill out the form below to apply for a call so we can see where your vision and my services align.


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1:1 COACHING — The most high-touch and intimate way to work with me.
(I offer these in various tiers to fit your needs)

In addition to transformative results, here’s what you’ll receive.


Whenever you need me, I’m here; to hold deeply transformative space and push you to the edges of what you think is possible so you can boldly live into your vision.


Instead of chewing on something for two weeks, receive clarity in two minutes.


All payments are final, please tune into yourself and make sure this is something you are a “full yes” for before committing to.

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Tay has been a real gamer changer on my path towards internal transformation, liberation, and embodied badassness. I’ve learned so much from her regarding archaic (outdated) mental and emotional programming and how to transform my narratives around limitation and victimhood mindsets. I’m so grateful I found such an amazing coach that challenges me to dive into those stuck places within my consciousness so I can step into my leadership with more confidence, strategy, and authority.

If you’re done with the same old healing modalities + coaching techniques, get ready for the change of your life.


Alice Cary

Licensed Therapist

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