2020: The 10 Most Powerful Lessons I've Learned This Year


Jack and I were going on a walk this morning and a thought came into my head (don’t ask me why), “What if someone went into a coma right when the pandemic started and came out right when it ended, but had no consequences after,” implying they wouldn’t have to endure the challenges of what has occurred this year.

You know that feeling when you say something and you can feel yourself reacting to it before the other person has a chance to? Well for me, I didn’t just feel one response, but two.

One part of me was saying, “Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice.”

The other part, the rational part, was like, “No. The human you have evolved into this year wouldn’t have arisen if the circumstances were not exactly as they were.” 

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To tell you the truth, there is rarely a time when we don’t have those two parts of ourselves interacting with each other; because if they weren’t, we wouldn’t be operating from ego. We’d be in alignment with what I like to call our ‘core self’, rather than our ‘conditioned’ self (who we’ve been conditioned to be). 

People ‘want to transform themselves’, but most often, they don’t want to confront the pain that comes with it.

They wonder why they feel stuck, but they’re scared of listening to what they already know. Trust me when I say I’ve had these moments this year, too; when the transformation seemed to hard, when I just wanted the pain and trauma to stop, and didn’t want to confront what I knew I needed to do.

But most of the time, I chose to stay in the work, and at some point, I had to consider that transformation only happens in the dark places. 

And through that darkness, I want to share with you what I’ve learned… 

  1. Restoration = acceleration. 

  2. Your physical health is the only thing that matters; without it, you have nothing.

  3. Transformation can happen in an instant, but it’s easier to say it doesn’t so you can stay safe for longer.

  4. Life is in constant motion; what comes up must come down and what comes down must come back up. 

  5. Leadership is neutral, and, neutral is often demonized.

  6. There is a fine line between being willing to sit in “negative” emotions and making them your comfort zone. 

  7. On the inside, we are all just hurt and scared. Seeing this gives you power.

  8. Service and purpose are the driving force of financial abundance.

  9. Listening to feedback from those who don’t support you in the first place is a waste of your precious energy.

  10. Don’t make others prove their worthy of your love. Give love to all. 

And just for you -- a bonus one: When you transform a troubled/difficult relationship, you transform the way you see humanity.

Of course, I could go on, but these are the ones that rocked my world and transformed my relationships, financial status, purpose, and work. 

I encourage you to take the lessons that do resonate with you and turn them into your own breakthroughs.

Comment below and tell me which ones are your favorite! I’d love to hear from you, 


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