3 Things You Can Do To Relight the Fire Inside of You


We have all experienced it. 

The overwhelming feeling of not showing up in a way that is in alignment with our deepest purpose. This feeling is different from the ego’s nagging voice of “you’re not enough”, it is the voice that begs us to awaken and release paradigms that are putting a constraint on our potential. 

Initially, we know what we need to do to become realigned with our Truth without any external force, but the constant defiance of our ego creates confusion between the two. 

Our ego says, “if you take that risk, you will fail,” “It’s not safe to do that,” “I’m trying to protect you,” “It wouldn’t work out (just like last time), don’t do it.” 

And our Truth says, “trust,” “surrender,” “take the leap”.

The longer we refuse to listen to our Truth, the louder the ego gets, and the louder the ego gets, the less connected we feel to ourselves, and the question becomes:

Why do we play this game in the first place? We are indirectly creating what we don’t want… so why would we do it? 

Well, this is the essence of self-sabotage, and it is more than likely we resist what we know we need to do because of our resistance to pain and uncertainty.

Pain and suffering are often the sources of an individual and/or collective sense of settling, unconsciousness, and suffering. It dilutes the truth, shuts our nervous system down, and many times forces us to think in extremes (no wonder why the world went crazy this past year). 

So when we experience pain or immense change, even those of us that consider ourselves “highly aware”, slip into our default mode network -- the network that was created at a highly sensitive developmental period in our lives; a stage where everything was traumatic and everything was personal. 

Moment by moment, our need to survive slowly becomes more important than our lust to live. 

Our reaction to fear becomes easier than trusting in the unfolding of the universe. 

We cling to certainty. 

We distract ourselves from feeling our human experience. 

We react and project, even if it’s in the smallest ways. 

It builds up.

And the worst part?
You’re aware of all of it.

So we sit in this aware, but “too stuck” to change phase until we literally cannot take our own bullshit anymore.

We “want” our relationships to be better.

We “want” to be empowered going to work.

We “want” to wake up fulfilled.

We “want” to have a better sex life. 

But what we really want is a willingness to be present, wake up to what is *really* needed and what is *really* wanted in our lives, and have the courage to pursue it. 

So how do we cultivate this? These are a few tactics of many, but I swear by them <3.


= Reiki, meditation, acupuncture, spinal networking, massage, and tapping.

To me, energetics are the foundation to creating the “desire” behind the physical “doing” of getting back into flow. It helps us “be with” our human experience more fully, see reality as it is, and focus on what matters. Remember: Your willingness to feel is what makes you such an exquisite leader.


I always tell my students: everything we do, we do to meet a need and feel safe. Consider that when you are going through the motions, it may just be your body craving safety or trying to fulfill a need that it is deprived of.

Ask yourself what needs you’re missing; could be emotional safety, certainty, spontaneity, community, etc. The ways in which we fulfill those needs aren’t always healthy, though (ex: using social media to fulfill our need of validation). Instead, inquire if there may be a healthier way you can fulfill this need other than putting your potential on the backburner. 


= Talk coaching/therapy, investing in mentorship, journalling, girl/guy time.

We are constantly consuming, doing, adulting, fulfilling the needs of others, etc. Having multiple outlets to release all of the stimulation that we participate in on a daily basis is not just important, but crucial. If we put all of our energy into one outlet, we may become resentful towards it or vice-versa (we become energy vampires to others). 

Want more? This is just a taste. 

If you’re a coach, leader, or someone who wants to be up to bigger things, you may be a good fit for my signature program, Leadership Accelerator. 

If you’re curious, join the waitlist here.

Tay Lauren